Do You Want To Get Loans in Nigeria How to get loan in Nigeria has probably become a commonly searched term today, and if you are a regular income earner with a good credit score, MISS is the top company if want to get loans…
M.I.S.S Now Tops Older Micro Leasing Companies in Nigeria The most desirable method to get an equipment loan is leasing or rental. Most companies who desire to take a lease would go for a lower lease rate. In choosing a preferred leasing agreement, a lower…
Do you know that any equipment you need can be acquired without an outright purchase, using cash or borrowings? Alternative methods such as leasing will allow you spread payments over a period corresponding to your need to use the equipment. At M.I.S.S Leasing we help…
Information About Top Finances Organizations in Nigeria Most times, understanding the concept of budgeting may seem difficult to a person without proper financial knowledge. Having an idea about the top finance houses in Nigeria helps in tackling the difficulties associated with budgeting. Before carrying out…
Have you ever acquired a vehicle or other equipment by finance or leasing before? Are you interested in acquiring vehicle asset now or nearest future? If you are gainfully employed, let us take you through the differences between the two methods of asset acquisition.…
For many small businesses, taking the plunge to finance equipment is a big step. After all, when all is said and done, you’re assuming a long-term commitment. So let us ease your fears a little bit and mention two general truths about equipment-financing: 1) Financing…
We hear it over and over again from our equipment financing customers – that they are continually impressed with how fast we fund deals. In plain terms, many individuals and businesses are used to the Bank’s pace of doing business. And the bank takes it…
Financing companies are very popular with small to medium sized businesses. Since we provide leasing services for equipment financing, we are often asked some of the advantages of using an equipment leasing company over a traditional bank. There are a lot of answers to that…
Today, let’s spend a moment talking about depreciation. Depreciation, in a nutshell, is taking a deduction on a piece of equipment over time. Typically, it’s on a piece of equipment that will eventually break down and have little to no value at some point (like…
Very often, small and medium businesses who’ve been turned down for an equipment loan don’t know what to do next. And since we work in the equipment financing industry, let us give a few pointers on what to do for companies who were turned down.…